Date: 23. June 2016
Most dating sites pair singles with one another and they organise themselves to go out on a date. Users of Good Deed Dating, however, do things a little differently. In order to use the service, you sign up for two hours on a community project where other singles will also be working. It is then the volunteers who have to mingle and speak to one another.
Whitehead announced that many of her friends had their hearts in the right places, but simply didn’t have the time to help. When they did, dating was the main priority. So she thought about mixing the two. An added bonus was naturally that there was no awkwardness: all singles would be at the event for a purpose, and relationships could naturally form from thereon.
A lot of the events can be fun, according to Whitehead, and it’s not a waste of time because you end up doing something regardless. The service is also quite cheap at £8 per session. It is certainly a novel idea and definitely a way for singles spending money where it matters, and not wasting it on dates they don’t want!
Source: London Evening Standard